Skilled California and Washington Lawyers Assist Clients with Estate and Gift Tax Planning
Knowledgeable attorneys advise clients in the Irvine area on tax strategies for wealth transfers
If your estate is large enough to trigger federal or state inheritance or estate taxes, The McWilliams Law Group can help you reduce your exposure through prudent planning, including business succession strategies and wealth transfers to your heirs. From our Irvine office, we assist clients by structuring business transactions, planning their charitable giving and advising on tax matters. Our attorneys aim to minimize the impact of gift taxes, estate taxes and generation-skipping transfer taxes on heirs. Through the strategic use of income- and asset-transfer devices, we work to help you take full advantage of all applicable tax credits, deductions, exemptions and elections. Serving clients and their families in California and Washington, we give careful thought and attention to each individual estate.
Trusted California and Washington attorneys offer strategic tax advice
You should never make a decision about structuring or transferring assets without understanding the tax consequences involved. We provide tax advice to individuals, executors, trustee and businesses on a wide range of issues. The McWilliams Law Group counsels clients on matters related to:
- Federal estate taxes
- Federal gift taxes
- Alternate valuation elections
- Generation-skipping taxes
- Revocable, irrevocable, grantor and charitable trusts
Understanding the tax consequences of the financial decisions you make, especially those involving bequests and gifts, can help you to preserve your wealth so you can pass it on to the people and charities of your choosing. It is also important that those who will be the recipients of assets are educated and ready to take on new roles and responsibilities as the family dynamic shifts. John McWilliams offers sound counsel to estate owners and inheritors.
Seasoned professionals counsel clients on transferring family assets
When it comes to transferring assets, we offer personalized advice based on your unique situation. Some of our clients want to ensure they can pass along their businesses to children and avoid personal liability. Others have large estates or considerable wealth they want to share in a way that avoids estate and wealth taxes. At The McWilliams Law Group, we take the time to learn about your wishes for the future and strive to meet your needs. We can help with various wealth transfer options, which may include:
- Special needs trusts
- Family foundations
- Life insurance trusts
- Living trusts
- A/B trusts
- Charitable trusts
- Wills
- Generation-skipping trusts
Legal advice on transferring your assets can help ensure your wealth is distributed according to your wishes. Our lawyers work to resolve your estate and wealth transfer issues so that you can feel secure with the legacy you leave behind.
Contact skilled California and Washington estate and gift tax planning lawyers
For sound advice on how to reduce estate and inheritance taxes, call John McWilliams at (888) 550-7656 or contact us online to schedule your consultation at our offices.